Day 6
Oh, yesterday Arnulf came home from tennis practise with thi bottle with 8 tiny frogs in it! Seriously, they wouldnt have been more than a centimetre long each. They were so sweet. He said there were hundreds of them jumping around at one corner of the courts, so he grabbed a few and took them home. We released them into the fish pond, where they proceeded to do nothing (i think when they are scared they freeye.. its rlly funny). Anyway, so we rescused them from the water and put them on some leaves. Ive check form them since, so they are either still there and out of sight )most likely), or they have hopped away, or they are fish food... Anyhoo..
Today I woke up quite a bit earlier and hung around the house for a while. Had these awesome omlettes for lunch and then me and Mrs Kirste headed over to a neighbouring village called Plochingen. In Plochingen there is a (ahh whats it in english.. umm.. kinda housing area with a comunal courtyard in the middle.. Anyway, it was designed by an architect who is really famous, and incidentally lived in New Yealand for a very long time, but in NZ hardly anyone knows of him! (except maybe as the guy who made that cool toilet block up north). Anyway, his name is Hundertwasser, and he has a very distinct style. This housing area was amazing to look at, and although you were not allowed to walk through the shared part in the middle (I wouldnt want randoms walking across my front lawn all the time either), you could still look at it all. It was awesome. Took a handful of pictures which I will difinately put up!!
After this we walked around Plochingen, which has a totally awesome old town hall, which I will put up a picture of too. These 'little villages' are all totally awesome, and so different to anything you see in New Zealand, its really great. Oh ha ha and I took a photo of this fountain in the centre of the village and this little girl walked up and asked if i was from the Newspaper :) it was so cute! OH! Which reminds me!! Hearing little kids speak German is SOOOOO cute! Its really weird, coy for me German is just a language i have lernt. So even here when the Kirstes talk ill be thinking *man.. they are really good at german* which when u think about it is a pretty stupid thing to think.. dunno, its hard to explain! But yeah, I can get by really well over here. still dont understand every word of every sentance, but i can follow most the time, and more and more each day, so its cool! Oh and yeah.. little kids german is so cute! and so easy to understand.. ha ha and the annunsiate so nicely and its yeah.. super cute.
Then we walked around some apartment blocks and alongside the river in this area called the Nekar (the Donau isnt far off either). And You got a really nice view of Plochingen, and its church up on the hill, and this awesome old brewery.
Anyway, then we came home and had some food, and then went out for the evening. Today Ariane finished her Abitur (Abi) exams, which are like serious as things similar to bursary.. but a year later than us, and higher stakes. So Me, Ariane, her boyfriend Andreas, and her best friend Jessica (who has also just finished Abitur) went out into Esslingen to celebrate. We went to a local in a huge ex-factory with a massive chimney. its called 'dick', ha ha actually the fact that a massive chimney had the word dick written on it only stikes me as a little funny now im writing it down in english... oh well.
Anyway, we hung out, and talked, and it was good times. Had a glass os Sekt which was really nice (like champagne). I think it was made in Essingen too. They have this awesome, realy old place that makes sekt of all sorts (a few grapes growing here and there on this hills). It was great! Then at about 12.30ish we headed home, and i went straight to sleep.
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