Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Day 33

Today I slept in a little as everyone was out in the morning, and around 9.30 I got up and had some quick breakfast, and soon after Mrs Kirste arrived back from work. I had a bath and a shave and then went online a little and caught up on some blog for a while. Lunch was pork cordon bleu/schnitzel and hash brown triangles which was delicious!!! :D.

After lunch I took a quick swim, and after coming back in Arnulf went for a swim so I joined him and we played some water polo and stuff which was good fun. Time passed (probably did another day's blog) and me and Mrs Kirste went out for a short trip. We visited a cool musuem with lotsa fossils. At first I thought it might be a bit dry.. But it was cool that right on the ground I was standing these awesome fossils were found and stuff.. Aparently this area of southern Germany has alot of fossils). There were lots of spiral shells and stuff, but also cool seas creatures and sea plants.. Unfortunately we only had 30 min to look around.. but yeah.. It was cool ay!! We dont really have any archeological sites round NZ, so it was cool to visit a Museum at one. All the rock in the area is this super thin slate, and the fossils are in that.

Across the road is another place owned by the Museum with more fossils, a movie to watch, and a big area out back where you can search yourself for fossils (apparently its not super hard to find some, especially if you will settle for a spiral shell or two). I thought that was pretty cool! But it was too late to go hunting.. so cest la vie! It was another ridiculously hot day (over 35) so standing on some rocks.. surrounded by rocks in the beating sun probably wouldnt have been great fun anyway :)

We then drove over to the ex-wife of Mrs Kirste's cousin, and said a quick hello. Her daughters werent home, so Mrs Kirste had a quick chat, and then we headed off to that lady's mothers place nearby. One of her daughters was there too, and she had just got some grades from school and they were good so there was lotsa congratulations and stuff. She was probably 10 or 11, and she was really friendly and nice, and the grandmother was equally so! All the elderly people I have met in Germany so far have been absolutely lovely ay!! Its been awesome :). They have all been really on to it too, and have this great sense of humor and little twinkle in their eye when they use it :). We had a decent chat, during which the Grandmother presented me with a piece of slate her husband had foraged with some spiral shell outlines in it. I cant believe how generous she was!! Its a great present, and I'm hopeing that I can get it home safely coz its an AWESOME present!! Anyhow, she and Mrs Kirste chatted away and I listened in, and after a while we left with the granddaughter and walked down to road past a herd of sheep (ahhh.. felt like home) to a small fenced area where the Mother kept two goats (I love goats.. they always have such great, kinda feisty personality.. so much better than sheep), lotsa rabbits (and baby rabbits awwwww!) and two lamas. Ha ha ha the lamas were great! They are such hilarios animals! They look so funny and they just kinda stand there, staring out at you through their messy surfer-style hair :). Ha ha and their two bottom teeth stick out at you :) gives an overall very funny effect :D!!

After stroking a few baby rabbits, playing some funny staring games with the goats, and internally cracking up at the expression on the lamas face we headed back to the car and home. We got home around 6.30 so I heated up a schnitzel and some hash browns and munched them down and watched some russian play (rather poorly) poker on the TV. Soon after was some darts which was cool to watch.. they have some serious skills ay!!! Björn had been watching the poker too and asked if I wanted to play a match with him and Arnulf so I agreed. We played for about 2 hours (mainly outside) and I won again (woot woot!!). And yeah.. It was around 10ish so I hoppped on here to write up today, and soon Ima head off to bed

I guess ppl in NZ will have 3 new blogs to read :S, oh well, at least im up to date now :)

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At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


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