Day 12!!
Today I went to Hohenheim University for the day!
I had to get up at around 8 to make sure i was all ready and stuff by 9 (although i ended up with time to spare, and didnt need to ready until more like 9.30.. but that was fine!). I went to uni with a daughter of a friend of Mrs Kirstes (i met this friend a few days back.. had a coffee at her house.. cute as dog! and an amazing garden!!.. anyway..) and she studys economics among other things so that ment going to classes that were kinda relevant to what i study which is also cool!
Anyway, at around 9.30 Mareike picked me up, and we drove about 15 minutes to the university. On the way we passed some of the grounds.. It owns a HUGE park with beautiful big trees, and heaps of grass, and they even keep some sheep and cattle for agriculture students :). First up was a micro-economics lecture. Micro has been my forte so far, and I found that I could understand alot of what was going on (maybe a bit more than some of the students by looking around ha ha) so that was really cool! A bit of it was kinda revision of some basic game theory related to oligopolies and cartels, and then into descision making under uncertainty and a basic model using an insurance example. It was weird being in an econ class with basically only white people, and with a majority of females! But it was all good.
Once this was over (quarter to 12) it was time for lunch.. BOY was it ever hot outside!! it was around 35° today.. starting to get a little uncomfortable.. low 30s are fine here, but any more is pushing it :). Anyway, we went into the massive canteen place where they serve main meals. It was kinda like they had in america.. but not all you can eat like there ha ha! I had a pizza. Oh! And so weird, before heading to lunch, we just left all our stuff sitting in a lecture hall! I was a bit apprehensive, but they seemed fine about it.. and yep.. there they were afterwards ha ha!
Next we had the painful boring lecture on business studies.. all that waffly bollocks about structures and management boring stuff that totally drives me bonkers.. And the lecturer was incomprehensible. Buit Mareike and her freinds found it the same lol :) so i just helped Mareike with her English homework, then read a magazine. The lecture finished a bit early so we had some time and took a tour around the uni grounds (very beautiful!!) man was it ever hot tho! I saw this awesome fight (well, attack at least) between a sparrow and a grasshopper! If I hada got my camera out quicker it woulda made for some mean photos! Anyway, i thing the sparrow musta lost sight of it or lost interest or something (those things look pretty similar to grass) and it flew off. There is an old inornate castle in the uni too where alot of the lecturers offices are and a few smaller lecture theaters and the library too. We had a walk around the library. man was it impressive! Amazing interior and celings and stuff (coy its a castle i guess).. it was really amazing!
We then returned to our bag (that had again just been left out in the open for an hour or so untouched) and went to the last lecture. Here they had a video conference with a uni in Köln and Münster.. I couldnt understand alot of what was said coz of my ear and the sound quality wasnt perfect (plus a bit of jargon!) but it was a cool experience anyway!! When we left the lecture theater it was even hotter! Felt like a sauna! And when we reached the car it was hotter stull in there! (my eyes felt like they were baking ha ha). But the a/c soon kicked it, and i got back home around 5ish and i had a much needed swim (after giving Mareike a new zealand tea towel and thanking her very much for having me).
Around 8.15 it was time to go watch the Fussball! germanys semifinal! This time we went into Stuttgart, but because we hadnt got there at like midday for the 9 pm game most places were full ha ha. But we ended up watching a local bar which was pretty good. Anyway.. Im sure you know the result.. so there were quite a few sad Germans around after the game (tho i have to say I think Italy definately deserved the win, and probably deserved 2 goals too - but anyway.. ha ha some German may be reading this.. so.. i mean.. erhm.. it was an outrage!). Its also kinda cool coy germany will now be in the playoff for 3rd that i have a ticket to and therefore:
1) I know a bunch of songs and chants that i can join in on
2) I have a scarf, inflatable hand, tshirt, and maybe a hat too that i can wear
3) I'll get to not only experience a crazy World Cup crowd and game, but it will be a HOME game and crowd! Sweet!
I was totally knackered by the end of the game (it was late, it was still hot and had been boiling, and the anti-hystimines id taken made me drozy as!), also ariane had to be at the hosiptal by 6.30am the next day.. so it was home time!
On the way home I got to watch a bunch of happy Italians, a bunch of sad Germans (and some very angry, testosterone filled younger Germans yelling at each other and a grandmother who got involved, and strutting round with no tops on and posing all frusious and crazy looking.. pretty pathetic really..) But by and large everyone was just subdues, nothing bad at all :) which was cool. Grr on the way home the train broke down (well some idiot pulled the emergency stop anyway) so we all had to get off.. So andreas's friend picked us up and dropped us to Andreas's car, then he droped me and Ari to her car and we then went home (got bed around 1.30).
Oh! and i left my camera in Andreas's friends car which was a big bummer! Especially as the places im going to tomorrow (with the foresight i now have writing after being there) would have been awesome to have my camera with me. But i used the Kirste's and that did ok.. so no biggie!
Anyway.. what a long post.
I'll stop ranting now :)
Bye for now
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